Construction + Structures 2

Construction and Strcutures 2 is one of the four subjects most second year architects must study. As implied by the subject name, it is concerned with the construction and structures of buildings, namely commercial and smaller multistorey buildings. Blogs will be constructed to display research and work undertaken throughout the semester.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Well I finally finished my construction major assignment, opting to complete two posters with a CAD model rather than a 1:10 physical model. My design features a timber glulam portal stystem with an envelope system of glass and plywood and a timber roof. Didn't come out too shabby though ran into a bit of strife at the printers.

PS. Ignore the colour. They're not really blue, they just loaded up that way!


andrewfehervari said...

yeah what happened with the blue posters, mine did that too, knownhow to fix it?

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