Construction + Structures 2

Construction and Strcutures 2 is one of the four subjects most second year architects must study. As implied by the subject name, it is concerned with the construction and structures of buildings, namely commercial and smaller multistorey buildings. Blogs will be constructed to display research and work undertaken throughout the semester.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Major Assignment Research 2

In developing the structure of my design I found the Timber Building in Australia website extremely helpful. The site contained many design analysis of timber construction, in various fields, from residential to indutrial and commercial construction. Furthermore, the site also broke down timber construction into its constituent parts; into elements, assemblies, systems and joints.
IMAGE: Glue laminated member.
IMAGE: Glulam portal system.

IMAGE: Glulam aesthetic.
DETAIL: Column connection to concrete slab.

These are some of the images i gathered from the site to apply to my design. I decided to use glue laminated timber in a glulam portal frame. This material and system seemed appropirate to achieve a curvilinear design with a likeness to Burgess' style, whilst adhering to his naturalistic approach. The use of glue laminated members was also convenient to achieve many varieties of curve, through the ability to adjust the different laminates and fibres within the timber. I also really likes the aesthetic of the finished timber as shown in the image included above. The site also had good details which helped me gain a better understanding of construction systems.

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