Construction + Structures 2

Construction and Strcutures 2 is one of the four subjects most second year architects must study. As implied by the subject name, it is concerned with the construction and structures of buildings, namely commercial and smaller multistorey buildings. Blogs will be constructed to display research and work undertaken throughout the semester.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

SITE VISIT 4: The Sands, Torquay

The Sands building is located in Torquay and serves as a members hub for the golfcourse of the same name. The building demonstrates an interesting use of materials in its facade. The exterior ultilises a blend of timber cladding, stone and steel.

IMAGE: Overall view of the building.

IMAGE: Vertical timber cladding.
IMAGE: Joinnts between timber columns and steel balustrading and roofing.
IMAGE: Back of the building overlooking the golf course.

IMAGE: Interior view looking up at the triangular steel skylight.

1 comment:

Triangle Limited said...

This is a really good blog wish more people would read this, you offer some really good suggestions on Steel Balustrading. Thanks for sharing.