Construction + Structures 2

Construction and Strcutures 2 is one of the four subjects most second year architects must study. As implied by the subject name, it is concerned with the construction and structures of buildings, namely commercial and smaller multistorey buildings. Blogs will be constructed to display research and work undertaken throughout the semester.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Major Assignment 3

These are just some sketches i found of Burgess' work. I had trouble finding any information relating to any details of his work or his methods of construction. His plans are easy to find though, and they are all extremely complex and well thought out.

1 comment:

Nic Fletcher said...

hey jacinta, i loved your assignment research so far, i myself am doing glen murcutt which is 'kind of similar'. Your've picked a really interesting architect an i will be check your blog constantly...

ps- check out Glenn Murcutts Library, it will help in your major ass.